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What You Should Know About The Venus Freeze Method

 By Dr. Melanie Carreon | Laser Cosmetic Solutions Medical Spa

The Venus Freeze is a cutting edge new way to lose some of that stubborn fat and help you tone your body. If you are considering this technique you are going to have some questions about the procedure, how it works, what the downtime is like, and how your recovery will be. This is perfectly natural and you will be able to get your questions answered at the consultation. Prior to the consultation, some of those questions can be answered here as well.

What Parts of the Body are Best Done with the Venus Freeze Method?

While the entire body is able to be treated using the Venus Freeze method of body contouring, there are some that get the best results. These areas include the buttocks, the abdomen, arms, neck, thighs, and the face. If any of these are your problem areas, ask your doctor about contouring with Venus Freeze.

What Are the Results and Success Factors of the Procedure?

Most of the people getting this procedure see results in about three treatments even though six to ten is suggested. You’ll need to wait about a week between sessions per each body area you are getting. Most people will see a more youthful appearance with wrinkle softening, cellulite reduction, and tighter skin. Your body’s contour will improve and give you a better overall appearance. Results are seen for up to three months in the skin that is treated after the series of Venus Freeze treatments are finished.

What are the Side Effects and Safety of Venus Freeze?

These are proven and very safe technologies that are used for the procedure. Both magnetic pulses and radio frequencies have been used in medical facilities for years. Talk with your doctor about any concerns you have about the side effects.? It is really a very natural method that isn’t invasive like traditional liposuction.

What is a Treatment Like?

You will be lying down for the procedure and a gel will be administered to the skin area you are having done. The applicator will start with gentle movements on the skin’s surface, making you feel like you are getting a massage with warming gels. It can be very relaxing. That is all that is done during the treatment, a quick and gentle process that can be done in a lunch hour.

How is the Venus Freeze Different From Other Treatment Options?

There are three main reasons why the radio frequencies and magnetic pulse technology beats ultrasound and traditional liposuction techniques. The answer is simple.

  • No downtime with this method
  • No pain involved
  • Natural-looking and reliable results

Maintaining the Results You Have After the Procedure

After you have completed all the sessions you need for the Venus Freeze procedure, you may realize you’ve no idea how to keep up with the results of it. Simply doing one rotation of sessions isn’t enough to keep gravity and the aging process at bay. You will want to come back four times a year to get the procedure done. That is the minimum suggested to keep the results fresh. However, some women find that coming once a month suits their schedule and their happiness with the results.

After the Treatments Are Done

After the Venus Freeze your skin will feel warm, not cool as you’d expect from the name. It will be pink right after the procedure, but the warmth and the pink will be a temporary effect, lasting only an hour or so. You should come out of it feeling very relaxed and without any pain or discomfort at all. The treatments to a single area on the body will only take about a half hour, so there really isn’t a downtime to it.

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